Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tears of Blessing


What is a blessing? How do you count your blessings? I have never thought about these things before. I suppose when you do a good deed you will be blessed. That is the simplest and easiest definition my mind can find out now. I would like to believe that the size of the deed does not matter. But ultimately the word blessing does bring a sense of satisfaction and happiness in my mind. The very thought that someone might be wishing you good is a pleasant feeling. But there are rarely times when people bless you aloud out of gratification and love. I guess the only response to such a blessing could be a drop of tear in your eyes.

My eyes were moist today by the end of the telephone conversation. On the other side of the call was an old woman pouring words of blessings and love on me. She called me “an angel”, “darling”, “daughter” and so on. Now you know why my eyes welled. And what did I do to be so much blessed? I attended to that lady when she was sick and hospitalized. It was not the greatest deed according to me. It was a good one, though. She was seriously sick and her daughter (my friend and colleague in office) was struggling between her home, hospital and office. I just offered to help my friend by filling in a gap of the time she could not be there in the hospital for 2 days. And what did I get back, loads and loads of love from her mother? I was sincerely touched and moved by her words. I could do nothing but smile at her praise. But at this end of the call, with a smile, I could feel a drop of tear welling up in my eyes.

Love has no definition. Love has no boundary. Love has no reason. But beyond all these statements, there are situations when love has a definition and reason. When someone expresses such a love, for a few moments you feel proud of yourself. You beam with a satisfaction of having done something great. Even the smallest of a timely help from you can bring you enormous blessing and love.

If you don’t agree with me, try it yourself. Tell me if you don’t feel good about yourself.


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