Friday, March 6, 2015

My daughter

When you were born
you were so beautiful 

You were mine 
you were a part of me 

I looked at you and cried 
Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks 

How proud i was to hold you 
You made me a mother 

Thank you for coming into my life 
Thank you for being my daughter 
I learned to love beyond reasons 
When you were growing up 
you were beautiful 

You were mine
you were my life 

I looked at you beaming with love 
Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks 

Thank you for coming into my life 
Thank you for being my daughter 
I learned to live selflessly 
When you were twenty years old 
you were beautiful 

You were mine 
you were my reason to live 

I looked at you beaming with pride
Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks 

Thank you for coming into my life
Thank you for being my daughter 
I learned to live a life of purpose
When you left that day to college 
you were so beautiful 

You had dreams in your eyes 
you had a smile on your lips 

I hugged you tight with love 
Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks 

Thank you for coming into my life 
Thank you for being my daughter 
I learned to live with pride
When you came back home in a coffin 
You looked so beautiful 

I looked at you in horror and disbelief 
you, a part of me lying dead and cold 

I hugged you tight lest you should leave me 
Tears of guilt rolled down my cheeks 

Sorry for bringing you into this world
Sorry that you had to be born a girl 

Sorry that i could not safeguard you from the claws of the vultures 
Your pained beauty asked me a thousand questions 
Your lifeless presence broke me into pieces 
My daughter - my baby, my joy, my pride, my love, my life 
Thank you for coming into my life 
Thank you for being my daughter 
Thank you for giving me the strength to fight for you 
I fight for you 
for every daughter who was you 
for every mother who is me 


  1. Very poignant tribute to a daughter.

  2. Thank you "specs buffy". Daughters are so precious. Words will never be enough to explain.
